A pleasant if rainy day. Quite green. Wandered down to the Wurzburg Residenze, on the way came across a found - a slab of dirt, really, spouting water, moss growing on it. Off in the distance some trombonist was running scales. The residenze garden has a pleasing garden labyrinth. Lush. Full of weathereed statues with another one of those dirt foundtains. For got my camera, alas. Will have to paint it later, but first: Tieoplo.
Museum closed -- not sure what this means for the fresco. But found the chapel - with 2 altar paintings of Tieplo.
The room itself is what I was looking for -- built in 1732-33, under Prince-Bishop Friedrich Carl Von Schonberg, architected by Balthasar Neuman
The ceiling painting by Johann Byss are a little muddy and stiff.
A very baroque room -- curved walls, above the alter boxes for vips
Even the tourists are hushed when they enter. I've honestly never had trouble with teenagers while traveling... other tourists...
Little cotton ball clouds, above mary.
For a moment I am despondent-- I am here looking for things to incorporate into virtual reality -- but I'll never match the filigree and forms these old sculptors had. then I realized: I can model physics, I can do what their effects are -- but moving & alive.