Tuesday, May 15, 2018 Germany Notebook LNSY Long day drawing -- stated in the chapel, worked until about noon -- left quite impressed with Balthazar Nuemann -- he has an excellent sense of propotion, the absolute apthesis of Baroqeu Sensibility -- interesting how the Baroque accelerated into the Roccocco. It must have felt revolutionary at the time, but from the distance of history it all smears together. --- Speaking of smears, I'm trying to figure out the best way to handle that painterly washiness w/ software. Not emulating brush strokes, but that kind of impressionism that emphasizes the experience of seeing. I would say most software (i.e. videogames) leans heavily to hte illustrative. If there are video developers who are Caravaggist I haven't met them. Video games are garbage, the people who play them doubly so. It is no surprise there is no depth, only imitation there. --- Wurzburg seems like a perfect mix of idyllic tourist and actually lived in -- the shops aren't all tourist traps, the museums are good and the Residenze is refreshingly empty -- there are tour groups, but they don't swarm the place. --- Wandered around Wurzburg a bit -- charming little place. Didnd't go into any museums or churches, though it seems there are a lot of them. --- The tour guide points out that on the America Panel of the Fresco they are barbequing each other. "But all you know America isn't like that", I want to interject "Have you been to America Lately" but am already violating the rules by using water colors, so [I] keep my head down. --- Tiepolo seems to have takne that Caravaggisti way of sight and started dreaming with it, turning Caravaggios Labyrinth into a garden maze. This is more pleasant, of course, but less dangerous. --- Have I talked about Tiepolo's two modes? Tiepolo painted his historic figures on way and his allegorical figures another. While both show [h]is particular sense of color, his allegorical figures are lighter, pastel flesh tones, cotton candy clouds, lots of floating ribbons