It's the stuff I hated when I first was exposed to Tiepolo
Started drawing w/ a sepia water color. It is retru, but goddamn if it doesn't look good. How to make it my own?
Quite happy with my progress as far as drawing goes this month, even if I've gone a little retro. Alas, my resistance to tradition proved futile. How to inhabit this, [make] in a way that is my own is the question.
But my resistance to this type of drawing -- heavy on the brush, very classical, might simply be resistance to a style, which is all surface. the fact is is that sepia fades into a painting, more than black / grey. That is why the old masters used it -- the eye reads it as neutral.
If I want a new art, stealing the old ways and refassioning them is probably something I needed to do anyway.
Painters form a discreet set of general cultural movement , often inhabit more than one space in the genre.